PHD & Post-doc

Antonio Pineda

Post-doctoral position

Ecological relations between first European Hominins and other fauna paleo guilds.

Carolina Cucart Mora

Post-doctoral position

Integration of environmental, behavioral, and agent-based models on a continental scale.

Maé Catrain

Doctoral position

What sort of specific conditions in Western Europe explain the late presence of human? Environment and climate approach through palynology.

Giovanna Fioretti

Post-doctoral position

Raw materials, identification, origins and territories in the context of the first European settlements.

Kamilla Laustsen Lomborg

Doctoral position

Specialised in hominin research, agent-based modelling, and human-environment relationships.

Marco Carpentieri

Post-doctoral position

Earliest human occupations of Western Europe and hominin behaviors. The Italian case.

Via dei Faggella 4, 00165, Rome (Italy)

Paula Garcia Medrano

Post-doctoral position

Earliest human occupations of Western Europe and hominin behaviors

Links : Website

Jan Olaf Rescke

Doctoral position

Modelling spatial behavior of hominins and subsistence strategies.

Harry Hal

Doctoral position

Cultural exchange and the spread of innovations.

Lilian Reiss

Post-Doctoral position

Researcher in Isotope Bioarchaeology

Tiffanie Fourcade

Post-Doctoral position

Palynology and climate reconstructions